Postponement of audit certificates for all UFI Approved Events/UFI Approved International Events in 2020
Dear UFI members,
The outbreak of the coronavirus or COVID-19 continues to deeply affect our industry, and has led to the cancellation or postponement of many exhibitions around the world.
UFI has therefore decided that the provision of audited figures for visitor and exhibitor numbers for all UFI Approved Events taking place in 2020 will not be mandatory, and at the discretion of the exhibition organiser.
This is a temporary measure directly related to the pandemic, and in 2021 exhibitor and visitor numbers, audited by a UFI certified third party auditor, will once again be required. UFI remains strongly committed to the need to audit, and the use of verified, reliable data for all exhibitor and visitor statistics.
As a reminder, UFI requires audit certificates for every other edition of a UFI Approved Event, except for exhibitions that takeplace less frequently than once every two years. Each edition of these exhibitions must be audited to retain UFI Approved Event status.
For any questions, please contact us. We are happy to accompany all our UFI members during this difficult time and assist them in any way possible.